Monday, January 21, 2013

T Minus Two Weeks

Surprise!!! I was originally supposed to have surgery in two days (January 23, 2013) however my insurance will not cover the allograft if I have my PCL reconstructed at the surgery center I was originally scheduled to use. In order to keep my out of pocket expenses to a minimum I reschedule the surgery to February 4th and will have it done across the street at the hospital proper.

So I had my pre op appointment today and all systems are go. The woman came to the appointment so she could get my post-operative care instructions (Translation, she came because the handouts given to me by the doctor would most likely never make it out of my truck). Here is my tip of the day.…You know PCL reconstruction surgery is the correct option when the assistant surgeon says “Oh Wow!” and the woman cringes just before hiding her eyes during the tibia push/pull test.


  1. Hi Jon. My name is John. I'm in nearly an identical situation, although a little different. However, I did get physical exam from an ortho and he says my PCL is damaged. No MRI, because I don't have enough money to cover deductible for insurance. but he said not necessary, probably have same conclusion; doesn't think i need surgery.

    My question to you is, do you know if you will still have the laxity of lower leg shifting after your surgery?

    thanks for doing this blog btw. you are right, there is not enough info out there about PCL. I hope you keep this updated, I will certainly follow it.

  2. The goal is to regain the stability that I lost between my femur and tibia. So yes the laxity in my lower leg is supposed to be corrected. I tired for 3-4 month to correct my knee via non surgical means, but they did not work. You can definately do knee strengthing exercises and depending on the grade of the tear, you might have excellent results. When you are able to get an MRI I would highly suggest doing so. I have what equates to a grade 3 tear with greater than 10mm play in the knee.
